Welcome to MAINT 2022
Unfortunately, given the low number of submissions, the workshop has been cancelled.
The interaction of developers with the IDE is composed of a large sequence of events that capture how developers peruse the IDEs functionalities to support the programming task at hand, including activities like reading, writing, and debugging source code. These interaction histories can be seen at different levels of abstraction: They can be high-level events related to the domain of code entities, like a refactoring or adding a method to a class, very basic events like typing the keyboard or moving the mouse to reach for a specific UI in the IDE, or even biometric data captured by wearable devices.
The MAINT workshop aims to provide an environment to present, discuss, and exchange research ideas that involve interaction histories from diverse aspects, including how to record them, how to efficiently persist them for further analyses, how to leverage them to support quantitative analyses on developers’ behavior, how to support offline and real-time analytics to provide feedback on what developers' do during a programming sessions, etc.